Civilmart Concrete Poles manufactures a variety of communications poles designed to support a wide range of antenna configurations under all wind loading conditions in Australia and New Zealand.
Civilmart Duraspun® communications poles are made from high-density steel-reinforced concrete, using a centrifugal spinning process that produces a hollow pole with great strength and stiffness and a long, maintenance-free service life.
The high stiffness of the pre stressed concrete in Duraspun® poles maximises the performance of antennas.
All poles come with a full range of fittings to enable fixing of antennas and associated equipment. Fittings include; step ferrules, stainless steel “tip ferrules” for mounting turrets etc, fixtures to accommodate commercial climbing systems, pole caps, earthing points, hatch doors (below ground and above ground) for running internal feeder cables.
Civilmart also offers a comprehensive footing design service and can offer a range of foundation methods including raft footings and bored piers.
Pole Selection Software “RocPole™” is available to enable the user to select the appropriate communication pole depending on environmental and topographical site conditions.
This product is manufactured in Australia and could be supplied to other states. Contact your local Civilmart specialist for more information.
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