Feed Troughs and Bunkers

Discover a diverse selection of top-notch rural cattle troughs, feeders, and bunkers at CivilMart. Our livestock management solutions are specially designed to thrive in the unique conditions of the Australian environment. Whether you need custom concrete rural solutions or other related products, we have you covered.

Explore our extensive collection today and find the perfect fit for your requirements.


  • Feed Bunkers

    Feed Bunkers – A durable precast solution for your livestock feeding requirements

  • Feed Troughs

    Feed Troughs – A large and durable precast solution for your livestock feeding requirements

  • Stockman Feed Troughs

    Stockman. The name you can trust. Providing access to the feed trough from both sides, Civilmarts feed troughs are designed for open areas where livestock have room to move. I deal for cattle, sheep, goats and other livestock.…

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using feed troughs for livestock feeding?

Feed troughs provide a controlled feeding environment, preventing feed wastage and allowing for efficient feeding management. They help maintain cleanliness, reduce contamination risks, and promote healthier eating habits among livestock.

How do I choose the right size of a feed trough for my herd?

The size of the feed trough should be determined based on the number and size of animals in your herd. As a general guideline, allocate approximately 24 inches of linear feeding space per animal to ensure sufficient access to feed.

What materials are commonly used for constructing feed bunkers?

Feed bunkers are commonly constructed using materials such as concrete, steel, or durable plastic. Concrete is popular due to its strength, longevity, and resistance to weather and animal wear.

Can feed troughs and bunkers help reduce feed waste and improve overall feeding efficiency?

Absolutely. Feed troughs and bunkers are designed to minimize feed spillage and waste. By providing a designated feeding space, animals are less likely to trample or soil the feed, resulting in reduced waste and improved feeding efficiency.