Special Products

Looking for a special concrete sewerage product? Browse CivilMart’s range of grated gullies, holding wells, and hose tap boxes to find what you need. Get in touch for a quote today.


  • Grated Gully

    Grated Gully units – dual use inspection and overflow relief points.

  • Holding Wells

    Civilmart’s concrete holding well range contains wells from 7500lt through to 30000lt. Custom lids available for trafficable conditions and pump systems to match depending on your water or sewage requirements. Variety of sizes available Custom options to suit…

  • Hose Tap Box

    Civilmart’s hose tap box is designed with security in mind. Preventing any unwanted usage of the water tap, this cast iron design stops access to your tap. Cast iron design for strength Easy to install over new or…

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